Tires & Auto Repair in Puyallup, WA

“America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand” – Harry S Truman

With July 4 right around the corner, we’d like to reflect on President Truman’s words briefly. None of us should ever forget that we stand on the shoulders of giants; that the greatness of our country was built on the sacrifices of generations who died to preserve our way of life and the freedoms that, too often, we take for granted. That’s along with the hard work of millions of people here at home who have sweated and struggled to build a country that we can all be proud of.

When we put our minds to it, Americans can do big things; we can build bridges and dams, cure diseases, invent technologies that the entire world can benefit from, and even put a man on the moon. As we celebrate our Independence Day 2015 with fireworks, hot dogs and fun, let’s all take a minute to think back on our country’s heritage and look toward the future as we contemplate the great things that the future holds if we take Truman’s words to heart.

And as always, we at Sea Tac Tire & Auto Tech wish you a happy, fun and safe July 4 with your friends and family! 

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